Ellenor Mererid (Fan Art Portfolio) Masquerade Walk

Masquerade Walk
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“Music effortlessly flowed across the grand room, weaving in between the numerous colourful guests. Amongst the masked dancers; twirled Jessie, trying her upmost to keep up with her much taller acquaintances. As she danced she caught a glimpse of a young man standing by the open door leading towards lavish gardens, he gazed at her with kind eyes that drew her to towards him before he disappeared into the night air. As quickly as she could, she made her way towards him carefully moving in-between the crowd. Once outside she made her way from the dance and its boisterous dancers in search for him.”
“I wonder who she will find”

What do you guys think? I quite like it and I had a LOT of fun and I'm really proud Although a part of me know that although I try my very hardest and spent a lot of time on it, I know that it probably won’t even get that many faves ^^; )

I saw an advert for a history program that mentioned Masquerade and I got really interested in masquerades and the out fits

A masquerade is a chance to be who you’re not ;)

This is Jessie and I may have made her slightly older than I intended but she's only a few years older about 14(?) I love her dress but it was such a pain to draw all those frills but they've turned out really good! And I'm so glad I gave it a good complex background and not just a simple one as it's turned out better than I expected :) I wanted it to have a calm, peaceful feel to it but with a mysterious feel to it, though I don’t think that came through as much as I’d like. But as I said earlier I had so much fun drawing this and that I might make a series of these Masquerade type pictures with my other ocs.

Jessie Belongs to me

Personal Fan Art
costume, dress, frills, Jessie, light, Masquarade, night, oc
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