My entry for the TheOtaku Internet Battle 2013 hosted by Ebbiru.
Finally I got this drawing done. It took me forever to even come up with a concept I wanted to work from. I finally had some inspiration last night and I was able to draw this,trace it out,and color it all in one day/night. For me this is a miracle because I have had such an art block lately. The pose was referenced from this image of Merida. Also this is my first time ever drawing an archer pose so I feel quite accomplished now.
I drew myself dressed in Johan Anderson's clothing (I will provide an explanation for that in a bit) Anyway I always have imagined myself as an archer. Bow and Arrows are my favorite weapons(I also like swords and Keyblades from KH :D). I felt that I would be able to conjure up a bow and arrow and I would be able to shoot different magical arrows tipped with firaga,blizzaga,wind,and light spells. I would be very strong in areas of magic,defense,and strength.
I would have to be transformed in order to fight. I can't fight in my normal form. The form you see here is Rainbow Magician (well part of it anyway. I left out the cape cause it didn't work for the pose.) The clothes are originally worn by Johan Anderson in Yu-Gi-Oh GX. In the world of fiction I am friends with him and after I meet him I start to transform into Rainbow Magician (his clothes plus a cape with the 7 gems from the gem beasts)with this cape I would be able to use different types of magic and eventually different forms would come available as I meet the gem beasts and befriend them which I do. Johan also helps out with magic and can eventually use a keyblade.
I would be able to help out my fellow Otakus and protect them from the dangers of the Trojan viruses and whatever other viruses appear to threaten us. Also I would be able to preform a Limit Break when my health and magic get low. Also I can fight quite well without magic too if needed. I can cure myself and other otakus with magic.
There you have it. I may provide a list of attacks and spells later on. I hope everyone enjoys my artwork. Dedicated to Mangakid who is a major inspiration to me and my art. I loves you Jess~*huggles* I hope everyone enjoys my art. Comments are always appreciated.
Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio)
This Girl (is) On Fire

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- Created
- 05/10/13
- Category
- Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
- Tags
- bow and arrow, fire, johan anderson, katy, matrix, outfit,
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- 26 votes
- Favorited
- 19 members
- Member Dedication
- MangaKid
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- Challenge
- TheOtaku Internet Battle 2013
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