HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BONNIE-CHAN [Part Two]!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the major digital work I was doing for your birthday^^ And I have just printed it out in two photo parts to send to you asap!! <3
Btw this is the darker version. I can't stop playing around with the contrast and brightness >3<
Before you guys say anything, the scales are mainly free textures from DA!!!! I'm too lazy, I don't have the skill to do all the scales like that.. Anyway, it was very fun to work on though somewhat discouraging at times since it was a much bigger project then I'm used to doing! I finished it a week ago and had spent about two weeks working on it, on and off.
Its ItachiSasuke's OC Callia who is from her manga Shinboku like Hibiki. She is also a mage and her bond animal is a dragon. Click Here to see the WIPs of this work!
Done on SAI. Scales and ground textures used.
ItachiSasuke Callia(c)