MangaKid (Fan Art Portfolio) Dancing Blades

Dancing Blades
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One day, there will be a fan art catagory on theOtaku called 'Dancing Blades' and the mangaka will be none other then our very own ItachiSasuke!!! <3

This is a poster for her one-shot manga called Dancing Blades! This was Part 4 of your b-day surprise, but I think I'll call this my half of the art trade, if thats ok Bonnie ;) Also its in your birthday package ^_^

I stayed up late one night to finish it, and took a risk with using my Copics... It was a risk since I haven't used them for a while and I was also using them on my commission ink paper, not my usual marker paper. x) It was nice to use marker again tho and do a fully traditional artwork, except for the digital editing after!
But ugh katanas... need to work on those... I draw them curvy!
You guys can probably tell that there's a line down the center of this drawing. Its because I followed ItachiSasuke's example and did this drawing across two sheets of paper to make it larger x3 So while digitally editing it, I just stuck both sides together.
Happy birthday again and the best to our art trade, Bonnie!!

Copic markers!
Dancing Blades, Vicky, and Kye belong to ItachiSasuke
Art MangaKid

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
Copics, Dancing Blades, ItachiSasuke, katanas, Kye, MangaKid, markers, samurai, Vicky
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