*First, congrats to all who got promoted today!
It's finished!! I actually would have had my Totoro hoodie done by my birthday in July, but I got so busy and was a bit intimidated by putting the ears on him (they are still being fickle on his head =_=). But finally, my hoodie is done! <3
I actually just finished putting the whiskers on him today via fabric paint, so I wanted to post this collage of pictures up asap. Yes thats me modeling. >P< I was way too lazy to put the silly pics of me into a separate private world post instead, so you all get to see them here cuz I promised them. *covers face* I figured its ok to post these photos in fan art because I created this Toroto hoodie from scratch like an artwork and its representing my favourite fandom~<3
Also besides being lazy, I'm still busy.. So I didn't go into much detail with the process of how-to-make or anything like that. But definitely feel free to ask me questions about it if you want!! :)
And HUGE thanks to my mom who did all most of the sewing for me. It would have been a mess without her <3
~Special thanks to my buddies HotRamen2Go009, Pandaman08, ItachiSasuke, and silvershriek for their encouragement, anticipation, and inspiration while I worked on this!! :D It made me extra excited about it!