Day 3 - Draw a favorite character wearing a new outfit designed just for them. 'Twas the first theme I picked, so I can't help but be a bit perturbed with myself that I didn't draw and post this sooner.
Anyways, here's Henry from Fire Emblem: Awakening, one of the--in my opinion--most interesting characters in the game. On the one hand, he's got a nice, seemingly cheery side to him and I like that. On the other hand, he has some strange fascination with blood and dark things and that creeps me out. Ultimately, however, the latter didn't stop my character from marrying him (hence this image, I suppose).
Anyways, I tried going with a modern outfit inspired by his character. He's got a connection with crows, so there's the shirt design. The colors of his outfit are black, purple, gold, and gray, so I wanted to use those colors here. Because of his association/fascination with morbid things, I gave him dog tags (he says he won't die, buuuuut... if you're playing on classic mode, it's a distinct possibility). These are mostly just for fashion, though, as I could imagine this being like peace time and he's just chilling.
Also, zippers. Zippers everywhere. Well, okay, there are six of them. But that's still a lot, don'tcha think?
I tried my hand at colored pencils again (the outlines were from a .5 mechanical pencil)... how's it look? :D