This is it Ana and I hope that you like it! :) I tried to follow your description and this is what came from it. I do hope that you like, cause that was of course the main aim of my.^^
If it is not alright, please say and I will try to make it better for you!
What I did here is that I rendered this girl (can't remember her name..) from a scan of 5 centimeters per second (probably its most known scan). I was working on colors trying to give a more feelings of a Sun being behind her and a night slowly drawing near. Sort of, but mostly a feeling of emptiness and yet something that fills you and makes you happy by looking at it (sort of the same aim that 5 centimeters per second was for). I wanted to add a simple typography and that's.
I was wondering will I also make a home screen with the main male character being in it and a similar scenery, but I will see, it still looks good being as it is on its own.^^
~ Thank you all for viewing this wallpaper of my and for always giving me your support! ^_^