Karmira WOW Wallpaper Challenge of WORDS

Here goes my first challenge. Kira and Dya got me thinking about this agesss ago, but my new friend Crimson-Rose made me remember. The theme: Bring Life back to the O with WOW wallpapers.

Life is starting to trickle back into the O during the last two weeks, but it still takes me only a couple minutes to finish going through wallpapers and find which ones I like and choose which ones to comment on. We used to have a lot more life in there, many more beautiful entries, and a lot more communication between the creators and their fans. This is my attempt to bring some of that back.

There are two ways you can do this for this challenge.

The first way is just focusing on words. Create a wallpaper where the words are the power behind the wallpaper, equal to or more so than the image, brushwork, etc. My example of that is here.. Choose a quote you want to express through a wallpaper, anime or personal, or find an image and create words to make that composition have the edge over others of the same image. The point of this path is for the words to not to be small, rushed, or just slapped on. They need to be a crucial part of your idea and agonized over just as much as any other part of your wallpaper.

Another example from Kasbaarg and Mangakid.

The second, and I think, easier way is making a character tribute, where the aspects of your wallpaper bring out the nuance of his/her personality, and add words as a final piece, either a quote from the character or story, a description, or a personal quote or words you come up with that fits him/her. My example is here. Try to make everything work for that character. Don't go choosing a background that's his/her antithesis, unless your words are going to explain it.

Another example from Klassic (wthout words) and from 21Emmz12

I hope those I used as examples don't mind. I'll remove them if you do.

Be creative, challenge yourself, and have fun. Feel free to ask questions.

1) Credit your materials. The lack of could be a reason for disqualification. I want to see what you started with as well as what you ended with).
2) Limit of 2 entries
3) Unless it is on MiniTokyo, or a site similar to that, no fan art is allowed (unless you have permission).
4) Quality works please
5) Only one character allowed on the wallpaper
6) Extra points will be given for leaving thoughtful comments on your peers' entries.
7) Must have words on it

Winners will win:
lst place: 3 requests from me of eCards, wallpapers, or an one-shot fan fiction/ story
2nd place: 2 request of the same
3rd place: 1 request of the same
(Only restriction is with fan fiction. I need to know the story to write the fan fiction (with some exceptions). ) I take a long time to do my art, but if you win, you will get more of a priority when I work on those kind of projects.)

Spread the word, and remember that you have three months to do this. Enjoy~


I apologize that it took FOREVER to get this challenge closed. This past year went by way too fast because of work and home issues/chaos. Suffice to say I am happy it's a new year.

Congratulations to my winners with their entries: Support KIRA, tsubasachro, and Soulanime14.

I also have two Honorable Mentions: snowzi and mystic midnight.
You two were sooo close and made it really hard to choose a winner. You get an eCard request.

7 members Favoritefavorite
MayuChan777 ElfDuchess Hanako Sho Thiefspawn Support KIRA MewChero
Other Anime and Manga
12 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Ichigo's Drive ~Support KIRA
Betrayal ~tsubasachro
Fullmetal Heart ~Soulanime14
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