Wow. A wallpaper I made...that I kind of like. XD I really hope that I find others that like it, too!! I know that's somewhat hard...seeing as Oofuri isn't a very popular anime. ^^; I started watching it the other day, and I love it. Yes, I like sports anime...a lot. And so far, this is a great one! My wallpaper features Abe Takaya (dark hair) and Mihashi Ren (lighter hair). :3 So yeah.rnrnI found the original scan here:
And at first I was rather annoyed! You know why?? Because of those wretched words covering Abe's catcher helmet! T__T And that meant a lot of clean-up...and my pathetic abilities to do that. I don't know what a catcher's helmet, mask, whatever it is looks like. XD But yeah, I somehow managed. Does it look ok? And as for the rest of the was wrought (?) with scan texture residue crap. -__- So that meant smudging and re-painting the whole thing...which took a long time.
And now I find it pointless! Because I ended up adding the texture on top anyway. Bah! But if you're wondering what it looks like without all the texture-ness, here you go:
This wallpaper was different from my usual, because that's a premade texture! I usually try to create my own texture effects. XD But I wanted something different for a change. Ahem, anyhoo, about the background...I used those lovely cloud brushes again, and then...continued to draw that hideous playing field!!! I vowed never to do another landscape-intensive wallpaper again...and here's something, bleh. Oh well. That's another reason why I wanted to use texture--it covered up my horrible field. I also wanted to give it a "nostalgic photo" look. :3 rnrnAnyhoo, I guess that's all I have to say about this one. I like it (for now), and I hope you do, too. It took probably 6 hours...most of it was the extracting/cleaning up. Enjoy!
[revision: I changed some the colors, text, and got rid of the butterflies.]