personalepitaph (Wallpaper Portfolio) Keepers of History

Keepers of History
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Let's see, what can I say about this wallpaper? First off, if it isn't obvious, the character depicted is Lavi from the Anime/Manga D.Gray-man. Lavi is a historian of sorts, a man with no past and no ties to anyone in order to write down the true history of the world. He is a Bookman in training, and a member of the Black Order as a method of most accurately recording history between the Order and the Earl of The Millennium.

The vector took the longest, with the coloring of it being the bane of my existence. I enjoy doing line art in Illustrator CS2, but when it comes to coming back and blocking in color, I can't stand it. The bottom of the vector was somewhat challenging, because in the original image there was no real definite end to Lavi's scarf. I just kind of winged it there, and I'm proud of the way it ended up. I'm not too good with background art, but I tried my best here to make the background interesting but not overbearing to what I wanted to show up the most, the vector. I picked colors that were already in the vector, which ended up being the tones of Lavi's hair color. The waves in the background were done in Photoshop CS2 with the pseudo pen tool, which for some reason I'm not as good at as I am with the one in illustrator. The floral brushes and other brushes followed, as did the stripe pattern in the background.

I've uploaded both widescreen and regular sizes, though I much prefer the composition of the widescreen version, as that's the version the paper was originally created in.

+ This wallpaper is a gift for my beloved best friend, DML.
+ [url=]Original Scan used for vectoring by epsilon at animepaper.
+ Various floral brushes used found on gvalkryie's Deviant Art, circle brushes my own creation.

D.Gray-man Wallpapers
d.gray-man, lavi, vector, widescreen
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