Driffter (Wallpaper Portfolio) Just Wanna Be A Rockstar

Just Wanna Be A Rockstar
1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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It's been ages since I've submitted anything with Miyavi in it.
Gosh, I dunno how to explain this one. I'd have to say it all started with the image.
I saw it and kinda was like "I want to make a wallpaper with THIS picture!"
But first I had to extract the image and draw in the bottom of the pants and the top of the hat and hand before my creative instinct ran out. I did it and I even skipped out on watermelon for it. Dx
THEN. The creative flow vanished when came back after eating pizza over at my sister's place. SO, I asked Nan to help me; which she did. She said she liked the wings I drew for him, which I was happy about 'cause I liked 'em too. =P
ANYWAY, she put on the lovely patterns and and some brush work which added to the wallpaper quite nicely. After seeing what a beautiful job she did helping me, my creativity got jealous and came back; which is how, after 41 layers and 8 hours, I ended up with this wallpaper you see now.

Thanks ever so much Nan, Miyavi, All the dudes who made CS3 Extended. I couldn't have done it without you guys. <3

P.S. Don't you think Miyavi looks just perfect with wings? Seriously, they look like the belong on him, he's just gotta have some! *::*shot*::*

Miyavi Wallpapers
blue, driffter, messy, miyavi, rockstar
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