EDITWHA HAHAHAHAHAH XD If you thought it was crowded then what bout now!?!? XDDDD Ahem *caugh* I'm good :P Sooo I was thinking last night since some people joined I would update this so her ya go xDrnrnEDIT(yes a second time after looking at it) o-o Odd...I went to look at it to copy the link and put it in the world and I looked down at the text part here and it had a whole bunch of random letter >:o It was annoying and I tried to find all of them and delete them but I might have missed some so if parts don't seem right cause of a few random letters added IGNORE THEM! THEY ARE NOT MY DOING!!! DXXXXrnrn~rnrnT-T wooooo...That was a lot of tags DX ....And that took a while T3T' OK! So I was originally going to just try to remake a banner but...T-T I just don't have as much time as I used to to draw...So I made a wallie in steed ^^; :'D And I finally finished it after bout a week um...Sorry that I could not put the names of the names of the peoples OC's or there username :P I didn't look good...Covered up a lot of the pics and it looked even more crowded...) rnrnPoke Gijinka Revolution(PGR for short) is a Pokemon rp by Otomi babii If you like Pokemon then you should join 8D Dedicated ta Oto-Chan :) I HOPE YOUR INTERNET CONTINUES TA WORK~!
rnrnLove YaZ~!rn<~/Poochy/~>rnrn
(lol be ready X3)rnrnLopunny(Otomi Babii-Lupe*Leader*)rnrnEspeon(Naomi Bear-Estelle*CoLeader*)rnrnMeowth(Eneko-Nyarth*Vice CoLeader*)rnrnPoochyena(Littlepooch 8D me!-Poochy and Duskull(xD Me again!-Sheko*CoPoster*)rnrnFroslass(DeidaraNarutoClan-Faye)rnrnAbsol(Luna Chan-Asao)rnrnDragonair(Destainy Lost-Aire)rnrnVulpix(Wolfdemonchild9-Vixy)rnrnHoundoom(Vdr-07-Hoom)rnrnMightyena(Rein Akira-Kyoudai)rnrnMismagius(Sandlover13-Maggie)rnrnSkitty(Firestar95-Kit)rnrnVaporeon(Eiri Yuki s Lover-Vara)rnrnNidoran(F)(Moonsailor-Nina)rnrnEmpoleon(Dialga99-Emmet)rnrnUmbreon(Sasukelover001-Reo)rnrnChickorita(UltimateNejiFanG-ChiChi)rnrnZubat(Nekoz-Zuisho)rnrnLuxray(Iruka Sensei-Lux)rnrnShuppet(Animelover7310-Shupple)rnrnChimchar(Blondeinblack-Saruhi)rnrnGlameow(Kyouyarenge-Katrina)rnEevee(HopeDragon-Eva)rnrnFeraligatr(Seetherchick-Rali)rnrnGrovyle(XxSkaterChicxX-Gilana)rnFlareon(Ichigo Inuzuka-Kasai)rnrnHoundour(Dutch13-Hon)rnrnMudkip(Thyme Girl-Melody)rnrnMilotic(XfishyX-Mel)rnrnMareep(nosheep13-Merri)rnrnPiplup(Inufluffy12-Pelias)rnrnLarvitar(Japonica Chan-Larri)rnrnArcanine(KaKo Chan-Akira)rnrnFlygon(xxkittykuraxx-Fyona)rnrnBackgroundrnrnT-T wow...That took a while...And if you see anything wrong(like if someone's face is being covered or something tell me and I'll fix it! xD Ya never know if I missed something!)But enjoy~! :D