innocent heart (Wallpaper Portfolio) Lolita Free Falling.

Lolita Free Falling.
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This wallpaper was soo frusterating to me. Just my program was being really slow and the text was just acting stupid and argh! >_< So I am not that fond of this wallpaper. I like it but eh. I had a lot of fun with textures though! They're all from deviant and I used about 7 I believe. Then I added some flower brushes and on the standard version I added a little pink blue around the wallpaper, so I hope you all like it^^ I wanted to make something Spring-like and cute. X3

The original artist of this incredibly beautiful artwork is Sayori. I LOVE her works. This is the original image: Chocola and Vanilla. Chocola and Vanilla are her original characters and they are just adorable. :3 She just came out with a calendar, which is what this image is from, so I would love to get that. XD I might make more wallpapers of Sayori in the future. :)

This is dedicated to fma17. She is such a sweet friend who leaves some of the best comments, very heartfelt and just very thoughtful. Thank you for always reading my posts, commenting on my work, etc. Stay beautiful! :) *hugs*

Take care everyone! Happy Valentine's Day^^ Thank you for viewing, commenting, hugging, etc! :3 *hugs*

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
beautiful, chocola, cute, dress, falling, flower, happy, lolita, pink, pretty, sayori, sky, spring, umbrella
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