Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) sing of brighter times.

sing of brighter times.
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Whatever you do, VIEW WIDESCREEN. Even if it isn't your res. XD Cause that's what I did it on. ^^; And poor standard res got all sorts of goodness cut off. <--AKA that guy on the left! ;__; Sorry. I was going to do it like I usually do, by just making it smaller and then having black bars of death...but it just wasn't cooperating with me this time.

This was just a quickie I decided to do. :) I was going to just make another ecard, but nah! Here's a wall. XD I took a break from working on my "main" wall, which is the one involving lots of painting. I still need to finish that bg...which I just LOVE postponing. ^^; I hate backgrounds lol. So anyhoo, I decided to whip up a wallpaper in about an hour...just to hold you over, I guess? Remember when I used to make a wallpaper everyday? Goodness. Long gone are those days! Haha.

I was going to submit this to that resolution revolution challenge...but focuses on 1600x1200, and like I said, that res on this one looks bad! Haha. I wish we could just submit widescreen. :/ Like not have to have standard. Anyhoo, what'd I do with this? Not all that much. Took this lovely scan by Wei Liu and had fun. Added a couple layers of different textures I got on dA, messed with the levels, hues, contrast of the scan...several duplicated layers of it. Uh, added a gradient. Then that pathetic excuse for a title/typography on his guitar thing. XD

I hope you like it! <33

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
dark, guy, guys, lamp, sexy, texture, wei liu
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