Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) the celebration.

the celebration.
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1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Please view widescreen!!! Cause obviously those black bars of death are in standard! Gosh, I wish theO would let us JUST submit widescreen walls. [coming from a person that's never had widescreen lol]

Weeee. Just a quick wall. :3 To hold you over until I finish my collab wall I'm working on. Just started that today so it won't be done for a while. XD Especially since I need to do my part first, then give it to my friend to do his part, which may take a long time! So in the mean time, I shall try to make some quick walls like these. :)

Been playing FF13 and I really like it. I know lots of people have complained about certain things, and I agree to an extent, but I still like it. Anyhoo, this wall is called: the scan was just too pretty to pass up and too high quality to do much to it. So I resized it, then added some gradients to warm things up in some areas (maybe to have the fire spirits glow show up more?), and then added a couple textures (not so noticeable). Again, I didn't want to do much cause the original scan was just so good by itself. :3 I just fixed the quality a tad with the contrast and worked with gradients!

Dedicated to Kim because it's her birthday!!! :) Happy b-day, kiba! ^_^ I'm sorry I don't remember if you like the game or not, but still, it's a gift! XD

Final Fantasy XIII Wallpapers
fang, ff, final fantasy, fire, hope, ice, light, lightning, sazh, snow, vanille
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