Shinzo (Wallpaper Portfolio) Board of Memories

Board of Memories
1024x768 | 800x600

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Once again, I'm back with a easily made, but time consuming wall due to my fussy-ness XD I'm such a picky wallpaper user @_@

Walling Process:

I just made this because my house's net was down (it still is...all hail the awesomeness of free wi-fi! Thanks to my aunt), so I decided to make this "cork-board, scrap-book-ish" wallpaper.

Got all the scans off Minitokyo and the stock photos of the cork board and pen knife off stock.xchange. I just kinda ensemble them together and walla! The process wasn't overly hard, but the harder part was deciding on which scans to use (hello? I'm female! We're known for being pretty fickle minded =D)

So, not much walling process description on this since it's pretty easy to make. Something I made out of boredom =P "Board of Memories" just seemed so cryptic I thought it was cool...might not make much sense...actually...since it's a board of Amu and her male pursuers, I should call it "board of admirers" instead! XD But meh! I'm too lazy XD My butts probably the size of a 30 inch LCD screen right now since I've been sitting at home all holiday (not really, but....yeaa...) XD

owh....and I wished I had gotten a nicer-looking pen knife T_T I just love the colours of Shugo Chara don't you? They're so rich and...nice~ ^//^

Ok, on with the details!

Programme: Adobe Photoshop CS 2
Materials: 2 stock photos, 4 scans
Tools used: text tool, pen tool, polygonal lasso tool
Effects and Blending Options used: soft light, drop shadow, multiply, Gaussian blur
Layers: 43
Time Taken: 2 1/2 hours [Including Extraction...and lots of fickle minded decision making XD]
Easiest Part: Extraction & ensembling everything together
Hardest part: Choosing the scans =.=
Inspiration: This scan on MT
Font(s) Used : Chopin Script


Scan: Minitokyo
Stock Photos: [url=]Corkboard | [url=]Pen knife
Vector: -
Brushes: -
Texture: -

Enjoy peeps! =P you might not see me again in a long loooong while XD

Shugo Chara Wallpapers
amu hinamori, females, kairi sanjo, males, shugo chara, tadase, tsukiyomi ikuto
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