Ok this is the first time i have ever made a wallpaper from scratch. My best friend Alex suggested i tried making my own Wallpaper with my own background. So i gave it some thought and decided to do a Pokemon wallpaper, with my subject being Leafeon.
I sat in community chat with Alex as she gave me helpful tips and advice in making my wallpaper. She even allowed me to email her my work, so she could see what i could do to make it better.
So i really firstly before i explain how i did it, i would like to say a huge thank you to Alex, i probably couldn't have made it without you, and for once i didn't shout at Photoshop Element! Thank you soooooo much ♥
I used a lovely brush brush called Grunge from Obsidiandawn Also i used sparkle brushes from the same website Sparkle brushes The render is from Planet Render. hope you enjoy it everyone.
For me this was a very fiddly wallpaper, but i will keep trying new things!