Crappy Title...Yeah! BITE ME!!!! *growls* o.e
Say anything about this Title and i will give you hell! and when i'm'll wish u never messed with KELSEY!!!! yeah that's my real name....HA!!! U NEVER SAW IT COMING!!! Suckas!! I'm Ninja like That! >w>
*cough* sorry for the outburst....Kelsey forgot to take her meds again...>w>
bwahahahaa!!! FIGHT THE MACHINE!!! BA BOOSH!!! >8D
OK now about this wall....i couldn't come up with anything else for a title but its true! Luka and Miku are pretty! i always thought they were pretty! so i guess its a good title! >w< i love this wall! i think i did good on it! its so colorful and bright! X3 i loved the image and just had to make a wall out of it! X3
well that's all i really have to say! hope u guys like it! X3
Made in GIMP. Scan from Zerochan.