There is a certain reason why there is so much going on in this wallpaper. I decided to use a little symbolism. And a neat wallpaper would NOT have worked.
This wallpaper symbolizes the struggle music has gone through since the 1920's. The hard ships, the fun, the laughs, the oppression. Music is the most diverse thing we have in this world and sometimes the only thing we can truly rely on.
From Punk rebellions to Pop concerts... (shivers) Music breathes life, and emotion.
Brushes from: Obsidian Dawn | brusheezy | Brush King | Aethereality
Render from Planet Renders. (Which is STILL acting up)
Best Viewed @ 1680 by 1050 Resolution
Time: 45 Minutes
Layers: 5
Hugs/Favs/Comments/Feedback are ALL loved and DAMN WELL APPRECIATED! :D
I hope you enjoy~