Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) shining bright.

shining bright.
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It was a long time coming, wasn't it? This Kobato wallpaper. XD And I couldn't do it on my own! This was originally supposed to be for Meg's Kobato challenge months, but I just couldn't finish on time. And then I got busy with summer classes, and now fall semester...and I was looking up at a tall mountain with this wall! So I asked Sakura to help me out! :) And boy did she!! *___* I mean, I couldn't have asked for more...she improved what I had done a billion times. <33 PLEASE VIEW WIDESCREEN!!

Animepaper is refusing to work for me right now...but as soon as it does, I will post this wall there, and I'd (well, WE) would appreciate comments/faves there as well. ^^ Once I do, I'll give you guys the link. HERE YOU GO. Please comment/fave there if you have accounts. :)

And since it isn't working...I can't give you the link to the original scan on AP itself, but here it is...uploaded on imageshack by me lol. So anyhoo, this wallpaper actually started out as this sky I painted. ^^;; And then when Meg told me about her challenge [not the one it's being submitted to now], I thought I could make it a Kobato wall! Well, I found that scan *points up there* and worked with it. Vectored. It was A LOT of work...and I couldn't finish it, which is why I enlisted Sakura's help. XD I did the base-work for stuff, like the sky and the outlines and base colors of Kobato, but she did everything else!! ^_^ The flowers, the plush guy, the highlights and shading, etc. etc. etc. And boy she made it look so good! I could never have done this without her. XDD

Yup, so months later and I find this goes rather well for this challenge. O__O Thank you again, Sakura, and thank you Nami for forcing me to finish it no matter what...and Meg for giving me the idea to do this anyway. But again, 60% of the credit goes to Sakura! <33

Oh, and here are the other scans she used as references. :)

And for the lovely vector if you want to use it: Here on EDD

Kobato Wallpapers
bright, collab, cute, flowers, kobato, sky, vector, yellow
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