~Dedicated to Karmira~
I was feeling less than colourful today so I grabed this image up and decided to up teh contrast, hue and saturation way tohigh for its own good. Now its really bright. And I love it.
Its really simple really. The origanal image was concept art from the game; I just resized it and played around with lighting and such. I plan on doing more to it later after I get off my art block that plagues me. That and the last wallpaper I did. I plan on doing more on that one to. Also if you know where the link to the origanal image is let me know so that I know show you all the diffrence between they two. Becuase I swear I did stuff to this.
Dedicated to my LOVELY friend Karmira! Shes an amazing artist really. I love her wallpapers so very much and she was one of the first people EVER to admire my work. For which I was very excited with. So now I give this to her as THANKS for all the wonderful(and long) comments she left me and all the best wishes she wished me. I don't know if you like Assassins Creed mate- but I hope that you enjoy the wallpaper none the less.
On anouther unrealted note- I'm such a tree killer. I write everything down on lined paper even when I'm sitting infront my my computer. I'm so sorry to all the trees that I killed today! I went through almost one hundred(100) sheets of paper today alone. I'm so bad.