Support KIRA (Wallpaper Portfolio) Black Butlers

Black Butlers
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I could go into monstrous detail about how rendering this image tormented me...but I think I complained enough throughout the entire process. ^^' I honestly don't know if I would've shown the same dedication to another character...*looks at Sebastian*....hmm...

Anyway. There is a lot of symbolism in this, of which I shall let you find and connect...because I am evil and lazy...and don't want to explain.

The "Poem":
Red Roses Dance
Mingled with Black
One Step in
No going back

I wrote that on the spot, because it seemed to suit the image, and also the message I was attempting to convey~ Points if you can see the texture I used. *laughs*

The background, from Zerochan in the scenery tag, I believe. I did some altering to it to make it appear as I wished. <3

comments/hugs/faves always appreciated! ^^

To RedStars: Because you give me your never-ending support, flatter me with your stories of meeting me, are one of my best friends, and just because I can. So HA. I had to give you something to repay you for that awesome Tamaki card. *laughs*

Kuroshitsuji Wallpapers
black butler, butler, claude, demon, faustis, ii, kuroshitsuji, kuroshitsuji ii, michaelis, sebastian
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