HelloKatty (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Devil Lies Here.....

The Devil Lies Here.....
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The Devil Lies Here Waiting To Be Loved.

oh my gawd! am i seriously submitting something at the butt crack of Dawn1 in the morning?! ches, ches i is cause i refuse to wait to submit this! >D so it is the butt crack of dawn and i am submitting a master piece! XD

*clears throat*

My Entry For Danni's Who is your Devil? Challenge!

who is my Devil u ask? Yuri Lowell is my Devil! why? Because Yuri is purely bad ass! No he is not evil, but c'mon Yuri is definitely Devilish! He chose the path paved with blood, he chose to dirty his own hands in order to save others. He is also the type to tease others, kinda like a trickster. poor Karol, Yuri teases him all the time and Estelle even stated he was "mean" lol. he also refuses to follows the rules, the law for example, he is not a goody goody two shoes like Flynn. Despite him being a good guy he is devil like in my opinion so Yuri is my Devil! <3

now for the details of the wall.

i had a hard time finding a good scan of him, but i finally found a sexy one! I changed the brightness/contrast of the scan, making it look more red, I used some new brushes too, Swirl brushes, one with a floral pattern and the other just swirls! I like the effect the brushes gave the wall. then i added text, my favorite font too and the only one that looked good in my opinion, Words are MINE, i came up with the words! and lastly i added my signature! XD i was very creative with this one. and i like how it looks like he is laying down on top of rose petals or a field of flowers. i didn't want to make my entry creepy, i wanted something elegant and beautiful, i didn't want to do what was implied so i did something different, something you wouldn't really expect in a "Devil" challenge. I personally love this, i'm very proud of it.

and the credits!

Image: Zerochan
Brushes: Obsidian Dawn
Font: dafont.com
words: BY ME!

I dedicate this to Danni cause it is her challenge and i absolutely love this challenge, i'm going to enter more hopefully. oh and i dedicate this to her cause i want her to see it and if i didn't she most likely won't see it right away cause its almost 2 in the morning nowwow i spent a lot of time writing the descriptionand i just really want her to see it! XD

I hope u like my entry Danni-kins! and i hope that other people like this too! worked really hard on it! almost 4 hours! *cough* o.o

um ok, this is the end of my long ass description! hope everyone likes this! :3


Tales of Vesperia Wallpapers
devil, sexy, tales of vesperia, tov, yuri lowell
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Member Dedication
Who is your Devil?

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