Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Shining Friendship

Shining Friendship
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I absolutely loved this movie and I just watched it last night. How to Train Your Dragon is so amazing and it has an amazing story and everything. Dreamworks has really outdone themselves this time. I just love the friendship between Hiccup and Toothless. It's really amazing. So I was inspired by the movie to make this wallpaper. The story behind this movie is that Hiccup lives in a viking village and they are attacked by dragons. The dragons at first appear to be really hostile and furious and in the beginning of the movie, there was a war against the dragons. Hiccup naturally wanted to prove himself and kill a dragon. He manages to catch the night fury which is none other that Toothless and he turns out to be as cute as a kitten. The boy Hiccup becomes friends with this dragon and they become the best of pals. If you want to find out the whole story, I would highly recommend watching this movie How to Train Your Dragon. It has some of the best computer animation I have ever seen and the story is just great.
This is a wallpaper that was inspired by this amazing movie. In the wallpaper you see Hiccup(the boy on the right) befriended a dragon who he names Toothless. I wanted to show how amazing their friendship was. I found a quote by Aristotle that I thought really fit this wallpaper. For my friend RSRKingdomStars.

How to Train Your Dragon Wallpapers
hiccup, how to train your dragon, toothless
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