epsilon16 (Wallpaper Portfolio) Kiss Me tonight

Kiss Me tonight
1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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I make this wallpaper base on one of the scan from the VK artbook. As the image is printed as 2 pages in the artbook, i scan it and fix it.. I have to press the book flat to scan it to allow maximum exposure and then redraw / repaint the missing part.. The fixing took me alot of time that i do this on and off for one month.. And yesterday, i finally manage to fix the scan and i thought why not make this into the wallpaper. So i adjust the colour and paint the roses using other colour to make it stand out.

After that, i want to make it unique so i rotate the image to this perspective.. When i first saw this image, i was really puzzle by the way it is being presented cos they don't look like they are lying down.. So i rotate it and extend the image by painting over Yuki's dress and her hair.. There is not much background i can play around with since the focus is on the 2 main character so i make it the way it is.. I add some snow effect to add a sense of coldness and loneliness... The white part near Yuki's mouth is an effect that i add on to express Yuki is breathing out the air cos the surrounding is cold and her source of warmth is from Kaname.. She wanted Kaname to wake up..

Hope u like this wallpaper too!

Vampire Knight Wallpapers
couple, vampire knight, vk, yuki cross, zero kiryuu
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