Quiet Noise (Wallpaper Portfolio) { sexy cracks }

{ sexy cracks }
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my entry for the challenge

Grimmjow -VS- Ulquiorra by Bleachic

Why I chose Grimmjow Jeagerjaques
Well, because in my opinion he is one damned sexy, hot Espada *drooling*
His attitude is fit for a king, he appears to be a laid back and irreverent individual at first glance, but this scruffy exterior hides an impulsive, excessively violent personality and a lethally short temper, he is blunt, rude, and quite sadistic, revealing a feral grin whenever he becomes excited. He has little respect for authority and says whatever is on his mind, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate. That is why I love about Grimmy, he is his own master ^^

I used a gray background mixed up with grunge gray texture because I wanted to capture the fade atmosphere of Hueco Mundo, I used the portal, because it’s one of the most popular theme when Espada or even hallow show up...
The words “cracks” and “sexy” I wanted to show the street style of graffiti, it really suits Grimmjow, with his attitude and clothes too, he is such a “street boy” ♥♥♥
I used the title “sexy cracks” because although he can be taken as a street gangster, he is sexy and damn hot at the same time.
I found a font similar with the one Tite Kubo-sama uses to draw his six and I colored it blue, like his eyes to bring a little color to the wallie...and also used street style fonts for the other words “sexta” (it means “the sixth” in Spanish) and “Espada”

bg by Yami
grunge textures by rhcp @ DA
“crack” text by late braking
Hueco Mundo portal by me
Grimmjow vector by Astet
Grimmjow’s full name extracted from this scan
glow words “sexy boy” by aby7777
stain brush by gracie

Work dedicated to the creator of the challenge of course, Bleachic, thank you for inviting me to your challenge, I was dieing to make a Grimmy wallpaper ♥ Hope you’ll like it ^__________^
Hugs, favorites and comments all appreciated !

Bleach Wallpapers
6, anime, arrancar, bleach, blue, cracks, espada, grimmjow, grimmjow jeagerjaques, hueco mundo, manga, no. 6, panter, sexta, sexy, tite kubo, vector
52 votes thumb
45 members Favoritefavorite
Soulanime14 angel1753 irenfy blue dragon123 yuko9kost AlexaClyne grueny Squal Leonhart mozimozi MikoMiranda ToxicPurpleKiss Morbid Dollie WhiteFlame96 hamzasaif minimewlove DermianaTabeko Chininja inZhani ShadowLullaby VampireGod itachi070 Anime snow girl LoveKouichi OnlyAMarionette Impalagirl Tetsuo334 matsuyamasanzo linabinaangelina Heartstop ShiningHime Raven2099 benihime27 Bleachic aka yuki Support KIRA AnnaKanda Artgrrl ecnelisterger Xiu CDCDCD89 OniiBabba RayMan87 KrondorianV
Member Dedication
Grimmjow -VS- Ulquiorra

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