Entry for The Art of Reality by Variance
rnrnI thought that this as a unique challenge and wanted to enter in it. though I would like to enter in it using a picture that I have taken but I don't have no good ones right now so I used a picture of a pretty sky . ^_^rnrnI love sky's they are so pretty . >.<rnI picked a sky for this because when I look up at the sky it always inspires me. rnI mean you can see some many different shapes and has it's own moods. Also I always feel safe when I look up at the sky so I think it express reality. rnrnlol I feel silly now XD rnrnDedicated to Variance cause your the creator of the challenge and cause I have too XDrnrnEdit : I forgot to but my sig but I fixed that XDrnrnOn to the credits after my long blabbing .....rnrnrn ☆ skyrn ☆ texture 1rn ☆ texture 2