Razing Phoenix (Wallpaper Portfolio) My TheOtaku.com Quote

My TheOtaku.com Quote
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Well, this is my first entry for josephine12cute's challenge, "I heart theOtaku.com!"

“TheOtaku.com is an amazing, organized, and inspirational place where one can find many people like themselves and make new friends, as well as share art.”

Why I love www.theOtaku.com: TheOtaku has been one of my main sites since 2007, when I joined this site. I remember I found it once when I did a random search on anime wallpapers, and this site happened to pop up. Ever since then, I check this site at least once or twice every day, looking at the wallpapers, fanart, or e-cards. It took me a while to finally decide to become a member, but when I did, I realized that I had nothing to worry about, and had no regrets because all of the people here are amazingly friendly and open people. I really love this place because I've gotten the chance to talk to people I probably would never have met otherwise.

There are no words deep enough to explain why I love this site so much, to be fair and truthful. I've even tried other sites, such as blogs, Facebook, and even DeviantArt, but this place, theOtaku.com, has almost become a home away from home for me. It holds a special place in my heart and I don't think I'll ever forget it; it's such a big part of my lifestyle and the way I view communication and art. It has helped me develop my skills as an artist, but it has also given me the chance to express my love for anime.

I could write an entire 10 page essay on why I love theOtaku, but I'll spare you your time and patience and just leave it at that. There's so much more I'd love to say, but maybe I'll save that for another day.

About the Wallpaper itself:

Made in: Photoshop CS3
Logo: www.theotaku.com
Brushes: www.aethereality.net
Texture: www.aethereality.net

Thank you, josephine12cute, who made this challenge! I think it's a wonderful idea for everyone.

And thank you for viewing, I hope you all enjoy this wallpaper. ^^


theOtaku.com Wallpapers
anime, josephine12cute, love, manga, quote, razing phoenix, theotaku.com
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I heart theOtaku!

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