Blood Huntress (Wallpaper Portfolio) Memories

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This wallpaper is for the challenge Spread the <3. When people think of love, they immediately think of couples, boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife, lovers. But this is not the only form of love in people's lives. Perhaps one of the strongest loves, especially as we are growing up, is the love of our friendships. The memories of our time with them helping us to grow strong, giving us a reason to live, to keep going.

This wallpaper is what I wold imagine Oz's bullitan board to look like, plastered with pictures of him and his friends mainly him and his faithful Gil XD, even hanging little knickknacks from the pushpins, like a gift tag from something Gil gave him. This is not the full board, as you can see things go off the sides. I decided to make what I think the middle of it would look like. *coughs* I'm sooo not modeling this after my own wall. *glances at the cluttered wall*. Nope, not at all. ^^;;

I'm very proud of this. This is my first actual project on photoshop, in which I also learned a lot about the program, lol.

I'm dedicating this to Kira because you're a great friend, and we've grown even closer the past few weeks. That could be due to the fact that I've been invading your house every weekend and have practically taken up residence there. XDD

Hugs/Faves/Comments all greatly appreciated ^^


*runs off to do her assignment due by midnight that she's been avoiding* Opps? XD

Edit: Pictures are from zerochan, and the brushes are from deviantart and obsidiandawn.

Pandora Hearts Wallpapers
brabbit, friend, friends, friendship, gil, gilbert, heart, hearts, memories, memory, oz, pandora, raven
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