I love Kaleido Star, it's on of my favorite animes. I found this pretty image of Layla and I had to make a wallpaper of it. I found some textures on Deviant Art. I like how the background turned out. Textures make the best backgrounds in my opinion. Well to say a little bit about this wallpaper, it features Layla Hamilton from Kaleido Star as the Golden Pheonix. I love the costume that she wears. It's all long and flowy and it looks so pretty. I'll admit my extracion is rough in someparts and that I may be a little rusty on my walling skills. I hope everyone likes it though. I would like to dedicate this to Winter Lion Heart because her wallpapers inspired me to create this wallpaper. I hope you like it friend.
Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio)
Layla the Golden Phoenix

1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 04/19/11
- Category
- Kaleido Star Wallpapers
- Tags
- golden phoenix, kaleido star, layla hamilton
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- 19 votes
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- 15 members
- Member Dedication
- winterlionheart
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