Honestly, I had no intention of making this wallpaper any time soon - although I had saved the image so I could use it eventually. Then, I was playing around and made this background [and had so much fun with it]. And then I had to decided who I wanted on it - of course it would be the oar wielding grim reaper. Besides, this can serve as a bit of a tribute to my finally completely watching the show.
Anyhow, I really like the background for this. I wasn't really certain what style I was going for originally, but it turned out rather well I think. I especially like the fact that it's a colorful wallpaper without being overly bright. I also think that Botan blends into the background well without getting lost in it.
Before I made this wallpaper, I searched the Otaku for Botan wallies and didn't find this image used once. Then, when I was just going through the Yu Yu Hakusho wallpapers page by page, I found at least two wallies that used this image. I briefly thought about finding another image [I do try to make less seen images and characters into wallpaper] but then decided to just leave it be.
Cloud Brushes
Lightning Brushes
Wing Brushes
Glitter Brushes
Lace Brushes