Auditore (Wallpaper Portfolio) E Pluribus Unum

E Pluribus Unum
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So we all know this phrase from american coins, right? E Pluribus Unum. But who actually knew what it meant?

E Pluribus Unum, was, for a long time, the (if not official) motto for the United States, until those terribly busy congressmen decided to put it to a vote and changed the motto to "In God We Trust". Way to focus on important matters guys....along with the Official Motto, you can also find E Pluribus Unum on United States currency.

Now I haven't taken any latin courses, but I did look into the meaning of E Pluribus Unum, and I found that 'Pluribus' means 'Plural', a cognate. And 'Unum' means 'Unit'. So "One thing composed of multiple other things" is the general meaning. Or, if you want to be fancy, "Out of many, One"

This isn't to be confused with "One of many" which means, "Hey, we have this one thing, so if we screw it up, we have plenty more where that came from." No. This is ONE thing, made up of plenty of other things. But in the end, that something must be shared by everything and everyone else. There is no screwing it up. Because there's no getting it back if you do.

A fitting phrase for the fledgling nation, but also for the entire world.

Now, as to how this fits into the challenge....I don't want to visit just one place, I want to visit many places, all over the world. It's a rather long list to narrow down to just one.

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Image of Earth

Image of Stars

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e, pluribus, unum
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