Bleachic (Wallpaper Portfolio) Beauty and the Beast~

Beauty and the Beast~
1024x768 | 800x600

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FINALLY! I'M FINISHED! I'll say this posed a challenge to me, because I couldn't find many good Beauty and the Beast images I really liked. I did, however, find two that I could work with, and with work, I managed to produce this.

First I'll say this: I was digging around through the challenges in the wallpaper's category to see a challenge that I thought seemed fun and time consuming. I ran into this one, read the instructions through, and immediately came to the conclusion that I WAS going to participate in this one. I love classic Disney movies and, even though this one is more modern one, it still is my favorite...EVER! I love the faerie tale overall...I LOVE IT! <3

Okay...onto the dirty work:

I searched on Google for images until I ran upon this one of Belle and Beast. I immediately saved it because it worked with what I had in mind. I then searched for screen-caps from the movie to use as a background. I hadn't intended on using the stain glass window, but I decided to go with it anyway.

After I had found and saved both images, I opened up GIMP right away and got to work. I started with the background first; I used one side of the border to work with the current border I have in this image. I rearranged them to my satisfaction and then got to work on rendering the Belle and Beast image I had found. Once that was done, I rearranged the layers once again until I could get the rose in a position that works.

The text box was next. I made it using my paint tools in the program and added an old texture that I had. I knew what song I was going to go for, so the challenge of this part was finding fonts that would go along with the overall production.

I don't really have no credits to give except for the links already provided. I hadn't used no textures/stocks for anything but the text box. I take that back; all fonts came from dafont, but that's it.

Anyway, there wasn't really much point in writing this, except for the fact that I just felt like I had to share all the work I put into this, and still, I didn't manage to go into details...that would take forever -..-

I hope that everyone enjoys this piece and of course, like always, all hugs/faves/comments are greatly appreciated. Now that I'm done with this and submitted it, I'm going to go crash. I wish you all a good day/night and take care.

Ciao, mia amici <3

Love Forever and Always:



I did forget to mention above who I'd like to dedicate this to. Here you go Chero. I had this itching to dedicate it to you because of our shared love for this tale. Enjoy, mia amica <3

Beauty and the Beast Wallpapers
Beast, Beauty and the Beast, Belle
30 votes thumb
29 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
6- Disney Music!

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