Support KIRA (Wallpaper Portfolio) Wicked Garden

Wicked Garden
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Merry Christmas, envythejealous~

I am your wallpaper secret santa! ^^ To be honest, I was unsure on just what to make you, but looking over your list I saw one of my favorite series to wall. Kuroshitsuji. Grell is always loads of fun to do, so it was great that he was listed, though being honest, it was a challenge to decide what direction to go with him.

Text Reads: Wicked Garden-delicate roses have thorns

I did a lot of work on the text to make the vines appear to be blooming roses, though I did have a few people have trouble reading it. Others didn’t have a problem, so I didn’t know if it was bad or not. :/ I didn’t have any trouble reading it, so I kept it as is. I also chose to have him in a “rose garden” simply because of his red hair and the obvious fact that he’s got killer thorns.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this wallpaper and have a wonderful holiday season. <3

Comments/hugs/faves always appreciated!

Grell Scan: Here
Background Scan: Here
Textures from DA as well as Google.
Rose from a basic rose image, altered to my will bwahaha

Kuroshitsuji Wallpapers
Black Butler, Butler, Chainsaw, Death God, Grell, Kuroshitsuji, Red Butler, Shinigami, Sutcliff
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