ev1lmunchk1n (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Earth at My Hands

The Earth at My Hands
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My wish:

For all the pollution to disappear from the Earth.

Quickened melting of the polar ice caps, severe loss of the ozone layer, and even light pollution to list a handful. When I was little, I never thought the world was so sick. Back then, even living in the city you could still see the stars. Now, most of the "stars" I ever see are airplanes. Even the pollution is starting to really show where I live. I never remembered any smog near the hills I live by for as long as I can remember. Now there's a constant smog over it, making the hills look dirtier. Because of that, all I can see is how bad the world has become. The problem is, not many people(that have the clout to make a difference) would even put forth the effort to make everyone's home a bit more livable. So for all I can think of, I wish for there to be some way that the Earth can heal the scars that humans have wrought onto it long ago. I know just wishing isn't going to do much, but I shall do what I can to help out even a little.

Original Scan from: Minitokyo

X Wallpapers
earth, hinoto, pollution, save
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