I cannot even begin to tell you how long I've been staring at this picture sadly, dreaming of what a gorgeous wallpaper it would make. However, I originally found it at zerochan and knowing that website I couldn't be certain that it wasn't fanart. Then I found it at animepaper and immediately saved it. I was so happy.
Honestly, I wish more of my wallpapers would be this easy to make. Everything just fell together - although I will admit that might be because I'm learning more things to do on photoshop and that's making my wallpapers better looking. At least I think it is. Like for this one, I discovered how to use a masking layer to fade something into the background. Actually I found that out for another wallpaper (also for E's Otherwise) that just isn't coming together - but I got to use it on a posted wallpaper for this one first.
I really wouldn't be surprised (at all) if eventually I have an entire series of E's Otherwise wallpapers. As I'm typing this - because I had to go there to get the link for my image - I'm at anime paper looking at all the pretty pictures they have for this show. They have so many more than minitokyo.
Fonts: KR Graphed & Square Text Tryout
SteamPunk Machine Brushes
Clockwork Brushes
Classy Swirls
Vintage Script Brushes
Thin Stripe Brushes
Dirigible Brushes
Timepiece Brushes