jikosangel (Wallpaper Portfolio) Ready to STAND

Ready to STAND
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My entry for the Disney lyrics wallie challenge!! I am in LOVE with Disney lyrics, and I really wanna use the lyrics from Tangled (any song!) but these lines from Little Mermaid's "Part of Your World" have been haunting/inspiring me ever since my first Disney vacation, approx. 3 and a half months ago. (Yes, my first disney vacation was at 20 years old, and it was MAGICAL!!)

Ariel has always been my princess, though I later fell in love with both Belle, and more recently, Rapunzel. I'm also a huge fan of Mulan, but that's less because I relate and more cuz she's just badass ;D Soo, anyway, Ariel is my princess- I've always felt that we understood the desire to see another world, having hobbies that no one really understands, etc. And I'm a pisces, so, y'know lol. "A fish out of water" has always described my relationship with the real world, though I'm learning to glide more easily on these feet in recent years.

Anyway, the image is from minitokyo here <3 I thought the image really fit with the mood of "ready to stand," a girl on the edge of womanhood, ready to take on the world ^_____^

I hope you all like it!! it's been a looong time since I had enough time to work on a wallie, so I hope it was worth it <3 Miss you all!!

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boots, disney, little mermaid, lyrics, stand
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