BabyD (Wallpaper Portfolio) [POWER of the HEART]

[POWER of the HEART]
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Vanitas: Our union was not finished. The X-Blade shouldn't stay broken like this. Join me now, and we can complete the X-Blade.
Ventus: I've got a better idea: How about I destroy you both?
Vanitas: [laughs maniacally] The X-Blade is made from your heart too, idiot. If you destroy it, your heart will vanish forever.
Ventus: Whatever it takes. Anything to save Terra and Aqua.
Vanitas: Hmph. It's always about your friends, isn't it?
Ventus: At least I have some. I've become a part of their heart, just as they've become a part of mine. My friends are my power, and I'm theirs!

Here's my entry for the Kingdom Hearts- The Way to Dawn challenge made by beloved blood

The first game I played KH1 ( I was 15 years old) it was thanks to my stepbrother since he was the one that had a PS2 (I only had a Nintendo 64) the first time I played this game I was blown away by the music and the graphics, it was just so beautiful! and then as you play the game the story was so amazing you just can stop loving the game and the characters. After that I begged my dad to buy me for Christmas a PS2 and he did, best present he have given me in my life. After that I manage to get a Gameboy Advanced and the first game I got was KH:CoM, it was so weird at first with the card system but after that It was amazing! and finally later I got to played KH2! THE MOST EPIC, AWESOMENESS GAME IN HISTORY! because of this game I forgot at all of my nintendo, I was PS loyal servant foravar!! after that the KH:CoM was out for the ps2 and once again I loved it and then years later more news of KH games appeared for the psp and the ninteno ds >:C I didn't care much of the nintendo ds, what I really wanted to play was the psp version, KH Birth by Sleep. When I finally got my psp thanks to my sis and my step dad the first game I bought was KH Birth by Sleep and FF: Crisis Core. I really thought even thou they still haven't made KH3 they still keep surprising people with the stories and characters in this newest games. Birth by Sleep was simply amazing! My favorite character right now are Sora, Namine and Aqua.(One of my dreams is to finish my Aqua armor costume >__<) Anyway I will stop talking, sorry for all error you can find there, my English pretty much sucks.

PS: If someone still haven't played this games (KH1 & KH2) you don't know what are missing! right now I'm 24 years old and KH2 will always be my favorite PS2 game ;3

Textures: 1 - 2 - 3

Dedicated to the creator of this challenge, becuase of the awesome challenge and because you made me remember of great gaming times I had in the past XD ugh god I feel so old DX

[POWER of the HEART]

Kingdom Hearts Wallpapers
aqua, birth by sleep, hearts, kingdom, sora, terra, ventus
28 votes thumb
24 members Favoritefavorite
alayajoy Mohanlove jasperthirty HelloKatty ichigo317 Ikemarth yuko9kost Kazamas-Keyblade beloved blood Nessiered sasuke sarutobi4 metalb2 allycat2090 Rainbow Dragon 21Emmz12 Hanako Sho Heartstop zombieusagi LightFykki
Member Dedication
beloved blood
Kingdom Hearts- The Way to Dawn

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