Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Klassic

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Time spent creating wallpaper:4 to 5 hours
Textures used:2
Wow this has to be the hardest wallpaper I've made for awhile. I worked on this wallpaper almost all day. It took me that long to get everything arranged the way I wanted. Also it was a big challenge as well.I wanted to do something with my wallpaper and also try something a little bit different than usual. I am seriously proud of this wallpaper and I think it does look "Klassic". I love the shadow effect on the text.
The creative process for this wallpaper is a little bit hard to explain but I shall try my best. Basically I went back to the basics for the collage. I typed my user name and had to get it the size I wanted. I had a lot of Judai screenshots that I had taken from watching the 4th season of Yu-Gi-Oh GX. And since I'm a HUGE fan of Judai I collaged my name with all the Judai images I screen capped. This is the part that took me almost 5 hours. Some parts were hard mainly because I had to get my images to fit my letters and I did my best with it. I'm seriously proud with how it turned out overall. It was so much fun(and challenging) to create a wallpaper using my username. I also had to put my love for Judai in there too.
Also the background turned out a little bit differently than planned. I was orginally going to use a rainbow gradient but it ended up being blue and brownish instead which actually works better. The grunge texture I used really added to it. Also used a little bokeh as well. Didn't want to go too overboard with the background. All and all I'm really happy with how it came out.
To be honest I can't dedicate this wallpaper to just one person. There's many I want to dedicate it too. First of all MangaKid,she's been a great friend and has inspired me to me to become a better artist and person and a better friend. She inspires me to live my life to the best I can and to always put faith in Jesus and the Holy Ghost. Thank you MangaKid for being an epic friend and being a major inpiration to me. Without you I wouldn't have made it this far. I love you friend.
Also dedicated to ItachiSasuke. She's a great artist and an amazing friend as well. She recently helped me when I was going through a rough patch in my life. She's a great person and one of the best people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Dedicated to XkeyofdestinyX & Morbid Dollie. These two are so awesome! I wish I could give them both a big hug for being such EPiC friends. XkeyofdestinyX is an amazing artist with an amazing personality. She's a great friend and she's always been there for me when I needed a friend. Same goes for Morbid Dollie. Without her kind words and crutiques and her amazing friendship, I don't think I would have come this far. A major hug for the both of you. There aren't enough words to say how amazingly EPIC you both are!
Dedicated also to Sweetdevil and Angel Zakuro. Both of you are EPIC artists and I've known you both for a very long time. Sweetdevil,you've encouraged me to become better and more creative. Angel Zakuro,you've challenged me to push my limits and helped me to overcome many creative obstacles in my art and life. I can't thank you both enough! You guys are just too amazing for words.
Zuzu Uchiha:I also dedicate this wallpaper to you. Thank you for being such an EPIC ninja and a great friend. Thank you for all of your support<3!
Sakura Kokoro:You are a sweetheart. Your kindness has been a major light in my life.Also you inspire me with your amazing artworks. Thank you for being so awesome.
Darkarax:Dedicated to you as well for being so awesome! Thank you for all your kind words and for being so awesome!
Dedicated to EVERYONE on theOtaku! Thank you to everyone who has left me so many nice comments and for all of your support. Without you guys I wouldn't be where I am today!
COOKIEZ FOR ANYONE WHO CAN FIND THE TWO HIDDEN JUDAIS! PLEASE VIEW LARGEST FOR BEST QUALITY~Also look for a hidden "Klassic" in there as well. Cookies for anybody that finds it

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
jaden, jaden yuki, judai, judai yuki, klassic, yu-gi-oh gx, yuki judai
21 votes thumb
15 members Favoritefavorite
SweeTea Sakura Kokoro 21Emmz12 sweetdevil CureRose55 Morbid Dollie vampirehitsugaya ichigo317 byakuyarox1 ItachiSasuke Darkarax Zuzu Uchiha MangaKid yuko9kost
Member Dedication
User Pride!

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