First off, I hope everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy is doing fine. We were hit by it...and finally got everything back last night. I'm very grateful that our electricity was only out for one night and day (it's cold!)! But cable/internet only just came back last night. So without internet...I decided to make this wallpaper. :) I used one of my bird photos, which you can see HERE. That is a ruby-crowned kinglet. :) They're freaking adorable. Only about 4 inches big...and they jump around really they aren't easy to get pics of! XD
ANYHOO. Back to the challenge...the inspirational quote is my own. Ever since I discovered this hobby of has helped me mentally/emotionally. When you're out in nature and just focusing on the little things...the things around you, the creatures, the plants, it takes your mind off of bad things. When talking to a friend, he said that he is out in nature a lot but doesn't really "notice" the birds. And I realized that, too. Most people, when they go for a walk, they aren't taking their time really LISTENING or LOOKING for birds. Maybe they'll remark upon some chirping, but not much else. But when you take a moment to do's amazing what you can see. I never noticed so much life in nature before. It's really nice. :) So yeah. I took my photo and added a gradient and that white lighting in the corner...didn't do much.
P.S. Apparently my 1920x1200 wall's file size is too big. >>' But here it is. (I hope that link works.)