Song: It's Just the Rain by Journey
The background for this particular wallpaper is another one of XxArrancarFanxX's photos. And in my opinion it's one of the best photos she's ever done. I really wanted to use it for a wallpaper, but it took me a little time to figure out how to pull it together. The general theme came together fairly quickly. I wanted something kind of sad with rain, that much I knew. But on the specifics I was drawing a blank.
Then I heard that Journey song, and things started to come together a bit more. After spending hours looking through scans I finally stumbled on something I felt could work. So after a little editing, some filters, and some trial and error with the rain brushes and text, this is what I finally came up with. I'm not sure if it fits the song precisely, but I think it comes pretty dang close. Enjoy.