Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) C.o.L.o.R.f.u.L { A R T }

C.o.L.o.R.f.u.L { A R T }
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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This is my last minute entry for the Be Who You Want To Be challenge hosted by Moka. I saw this challenge last night and decided to make a wallpaper for it.

Who I want to be is a graphic designer/ digital artist. I would like to improve my skills to become the best artist (both traditional and digital) I can be. My dream is to have maybe someday be an animator or graphic artist. I know I still need to go to college and of course that's my dream too.

This challenge got me to thinking about what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to do something that makes me happy. Art makes me very happy. Yes I would like to be an artist. (Either a manga artist, animator, or graphic designer. All of these areas of art fascinate me). Also graphic design is a hobby of mine too. I love making things in Photoshop. So much fun!

I found this lovely image that perfectly illustrated what I wanted. I tried some new things such as a new action and some new textures/PSDs which gave it this kind of magical effect. The scan was magical itself and I just wanted to enhance it as best as I could. I had a lot of fun making this wallpaper.

Dedication: 21Emmz12
Well here's that surprise wallpaper I promised you. I hope you like it! You're awesome and an awesome artist. This is my way of thanking you for this amazing wallpaper you made for me. *hugs* You're epic.

I hope everybody enjoys this wallpaper.

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
Anime, be who you wanna be, challenge, colorful, digital art, girl, graphic artist, rainbow, tablet
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Be who you wanna be!!

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