Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Bishoujo Senshi

Bishoujo Senshi
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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*Title translates to Pretty Guardian as in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.

Sailor Senshi vectors from here.

Background pattern

Bokeh by 21Emmz12

Do you guys mind if I post another Sailor Moon wallpaper? I've just been on such a Sailor Moon kick with my wallpapers because I think its so awesome. Plus I'm looking forward to the new episode of Sailor Moon Crystal. It sucks waiting several weeks before the new episode! Anyways I'm rambling, on with the wallpaper description.

Well I've had these vector renders in my collection for awhile and I wanted to make a wallpaper with them. I finally decided to make this wallpaper the other night and man it was a challenge!
It was a challenge because of finding the right way to position the senshi so they looked good and to make the sure that the whole wallpaper flowed cohesively together. It took me about a couple hours to make overall. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Also used this cute Sailor Moon pattern for the background too.

So what do you guys think? Is there something that maybe could be improved in this wallpaper? Feedback here would be appreciated.

Dedication: Clueless101
I'm dedicating this wallpaper to you because I can. And because you're an epic friend and talented artist. I hope you (and everybody) enjoys the wallpaper. *hugs*

A wallpaper featuring the Outer Senshi is in the works so please look for that soon. :)

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
ami mizuno, bokeh, makoto kino, minako aino, pattern, rei hino, sailor jupiter, sailor mars, sailor mercury, Sailor moon, sailor moon crystal, sailor venus, usagi tsukino
21 votes thumb
22 members Favoritefavorite
KinomiyaMichiru erialephise fairyofwind2001 hamstergirl Nessiered CureRose55 stararnold benihime27 tethysal MissRoza allycat2090 Miracle Star19 Darkarax 21Emmz12 nikkeh09 clueless101 ElementalNinja Zuzu Uchiha XxArrancarFanxX SongBird33
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