Many issues with computers, and switching PCs has left this without any updates (I'm working on it though), but I felt as though I needed to mention this. Looking through the gallery today and many other times, and I've noticed something and thought I should mention it, to make sure people avoid it when making eCard & wallpapers.
Be careful with renders and where you pull them from. DeviantART, renders-graphiques, Anime Render, Planet Render (and plenty other websites) might have 'excellent' wallpaper/graphics resources, but many people take Pixiv or other unofficial artworks, create renders with them, and then post them for people to use. With the original background gone/the image altered, reverse searching with any website becomes much more difficult (;_; oh god, you have no idea), and can lead people to thinking that it's not fan art since the artwork doesn't turn up any results when reverse searching for it.
Blame can be directed towards the people posting the renders, but in the end, you are responsible for what you post, and you need to always know the exact source of what you're using in wallpapers & eCards, & find more trustworthy websites and/or learn how to render scans yourself.
To help, here's a couple of websites that have renders/transparent PNGs made from scans: x, x, x, x, x (sweetdevil's site)
Please be careful. ;__;
I made this card the other day; I thought it might be a little much to submit so I'm putting it here.
Have you ever been watching an anime and wondered, "What the hell, she's in her underwear and she's how old?!"

EDIT: It's been a while since I've seen this card. It still scares me to no end.

- All ‘Straight’ men are insecure, or completely unaware of their homosexual tendencies.
- All girlfriends or wives of seemingly straight men are bitches, clingy, or insane (usually all of the three).
- ‘Straight’ men can be turned 100% gay in about two milliseconds.
- Nonconsensual sex is perfectly legal.
It’s not like he doesn’t want it anyway.
- Despite any psychological trauma, hardship, or imbalances, it is perfectly all right to engage in sexual intercourse---right then and there.
- In any relationship, there is always a ‘seme’ and an ‘uke’. Always.
- Uke’s are usually identified by their flustered faces, blushes, and their inability (or pitifully spoken way) to just say ‘no’.
- Seme’s are usually identified by their lusting expressions, their suave and/or passionate nature, and their extreme desire to ravish their partner at any moment, in any environment.
- Danger, fright, or suspicion is the perfect plot device to propel couples into a steamy love fest, usually ending with the premature declaration of their dedication and love.
No, but really---I love yaoi. xD I'm watching some right now... >.> Ai no Kusabi is the best.

This is madness!
No, this is FILLER!
It's a cold hard fact that we manga and anime fans have to face; too many fillers! I had never really experienced or understood the term 'filler' until I first saw Naruto. I knew something wasn't right when the series was going into episode 214 and wasn't going anywhere. I mean come on, is Sakura in a nurses' outfit? That isn't going to bring Sasuke back to the village! [As little libido as Sasuke has; I wouldn't doubt that reality for a second.]
I'm not fond fillers; if a person is going to spend hours upon hours of creating anime/manga brilliance, why spend it on complete nonsense? As an anime fan, I love watching as new plotlines and vital characters are revealed with beautiful detail and skill. So it's no surprise that Death Note is one of my favorite anime. I'm just addicted to how wonderfully made it was; even if I didn't like the outcome and the fate of its characters.
With Inuyasha, it's a different story. I loved the series until it descended into filler hell. Every episode began to fall into a predictable pattern, one that I now snicker at when ever I catch it. This is basically how every episode goes:
Kagome senses a jewel shard; they gang looks for the shard and surprisingly discovers a village. [Those things must be every where…] An old villager, roughly 200 years old pleas for Inuyasha to help their village for a monster is attacking it.
Inuyasha doesn't want to help, but for some inexplicably reason: he does.
Suddenly, the monster attacks without the group having to search for it! Miroku, Sango and, Inuyasha try to kill it; but are at first unsuccessful. And then what interesting plot change occurs... Kagome gets kidnapped! Oh the suspense!
Now only that, but she is almost never injured; and if she is, the episode has to revolve around it. Now, the Inu-gang is searching for their plot, I mean Kagome... and they find them. Kagome, unscathed and hair still in tact *growls* just sits as the whole gang gets their ass kicked. [She might toss an arrow every once in a while…]
And then! Inuyasha finds some clever way to destroy the monster, saves the perfectly uninjured Kagome, Miroku's a pervert, Sango blushes, Inuyasha claims that he in a million years would never love Kagome, and Shippo still doesn't know why he tags along anymore. [No seriously, is Shippo even an important character, you know, other than for cuteness purposes?]
I'm just stating that Inuyasha is a great anime; I would just like to see it go somewhere...
That's why I prefer shorter anime series… like Cowboy Bebop; classic 26 episodes of awesomeness. There was one really noticeable filler; the episode when that zombie lobster from the refrigerator resurfaced from the third shelf and decided to bite everyone. It was an entertaining, funny episode; one of my favorites actually. [It wasn't stupid like, Naruto on a quest given my Tsunade to retrieve a flippin' insect!] Dragon ball Z was different though. I wasn't filler hell, it just... took a while... I mean the Buu saga lasted like 100+ episodes... it was a pink blob! Light it on fire! [Bubblegum shouldn't give off smoke!] However; every episode was entertaining, and the fillers mainly popped up during the Cell saga when Gohan was 'training' outside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Goku.