WARNING: I was high on crack anime when I made this. XD Don't take it personally, I just couldn't resist poking fun at Inuyasha...

Inuyasha in a minute - Episode one [filler hell]
Kagome: Oh, Inuyasha---I sense of jewel shard near!
Inuyasha: Let's go!
Miroku: Yes… lets… *ass-grab*
Sango: You pervert! *Blushes*
Shippo: -As clueless as ever-
They conveniently find a village; those things must be everywhere!
Villager: Oh, help us mighty Inuyasha… our village is in peril… a monster has been attacking us and we don't know what to do….
Inuyasha: I don't care you stupid---
Kagome: SIT BOY!
Miroku: *ass-grab*
Sango: Miroku you pervert! *Slap*
Miroku: It was worth the pain…
Inuyasha: *Gets up* Naturally, because of my hardheadedness and badass attitude, I don't want to help anybody… but because I'm the main character… I suppose I must….
Kagome: *Innocent smile*
Thus begins the 'sudden' attack from the mysterious monster…
Miroku: I'll suck it up, wind tunnel FTW!
Sango: Due to the fact that we don't want this episode to end early, you can't absorb the monster because it's venomous!
Miroku: Aw, crap.
Inuyasha: I'm gonna kick your ever-loving ass!
Kagome: I just realized it, Inuyasha, the monster has a jewel shard---can you believe it?
Inuyasha: Believe it! Wind scar!
Sesshomaru: Inuyasha, hand over your sword immediately! It's been 200+ episodes and I still want it!
Inuyasha: You only want it because it's bigger than yours!
Sesshomaru: Are you implying that I only seek your sword because of latent dissatisfaction with the size of my own weapon?
Miroku: Are they even speaking about the Tessaiga and Tenseiga anymore?
Sango and Kagome: Miroku, you pervert!
Monster: Is anyone even paying attention to me anymore? Maybe I should…
Kagome: AHHHH!!!
Miroku: Oh no, surprisingly, Kagome has been kidnapped!
Inuyasha: Again?! Damn it! Even Kikyo wasn't this much trouble!
Kagome: Inuyasha you idiot, save me now! SIT!
Inuyasha: X_X
Kagome: Aw, crap.
Crazy Kagome/Inuyasha fans: Aren't they the perfect couple…?
Inuyasha in a Minute - Episode 1/2
Sesshomaru: *chokes Inuyasha* Pathetic half-breed… your human side is what makes you weak… humans are horrid creatures---
Rin: Sesshomaru-sama, you said you were going to play hide-and-seek with me!!
Sesshomaru: Of course Rin, I'll be right there…
Inuyasha: I can see who wears the pants in that friendship…
Sesshomaru: At least I have something to put in my pants… it appears as if the human girl has already castrated you---
Suddenly from the mist emerges a figure…
Kikyo: Oh, Inuyasha… how I despise you so… let's go to hell together!
Inuyasha: *Mumbles* I have really got to start making better girlfriend choices…
Sesshomaru: It's that human priestess that's always following you around…
Inuyasha: She what?!
Kikyo: Are you implementing that I stalk Inuyasha?
Sesshomaru: I'm surprised Inuyasha hasn't noticed you drooling over him in the shower…
Inuyasha: That was you!?
Kagome: SHE WHAT?!?!
Inuyasha: eh…eh… feeling better Kagome…?
Kagome: SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inuyasha created a hole in the earth so big, that they named it the Grand Canyon…
SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!