Affiliation: Las Noches | Rank: Leader of the Arrancar Army | Zanpakuto Name: Kyōka Suigetsu

Report on Mission: Find THE Book

Kita headed to Aizen's throne room the second she stepped out of the gate. Once at the doors she knocked and waited for an answer,

"Enter, Kita."

Kita walked into the room and bowed, "I have found the book you wanted me to get for you."

She set it to the floor in front of her and backed away from it. Aizen was walking toward her as she stepped back. Stopping at the book Aizen picked it up and quickly thumbed through it. A cunning smile spread across his face.

"You have done well, Kita."

Kita lowered her head in a slight bow, "Your praise is not necessary. I was only carrying out your orders."

"Yesss, you were." Aizen turned with book in hand, "You are dismissed."

Kita nodded and turned leaving the room. She was relieved that he accepted the book since it was a fraud. Though, Urahara knew what he was doing. He was not out to get Kita hurt or killed. So the book had to have some authenticity to it to fool Aizen. Kita now headed to her masters room to report to him.

Kita: Mission

Your mission is to go to the human realm and find a book. This book will be in Kisuke Urahara’s possession. I am sure he has it hidden somewhere within his Shop. I do not care how you come about this book, however, within one week I expect it to be in my possession.

A Blast from the Past

It was late evening and Kita was walking back to her room when one of Aizen’s lackey numberos walked up to her and told her Aizen wanted her in his chamber immediately. Kita nodded and walked to Aizen’s throne room. Knocking first, she waited for a return answer.

“Enter Kita.”

Kita pushed open the large door and walked in the room slightly bowing to Aizen, “I heard you wanted to see me.”

Aizen was standing not far from her as he turned looking her way. “Come here, Kita.”

Kita cautiously walked toward him. She did not trust the man and she knew there was good reason not to. She lend slightly as she walked, trying to see what he held in his hand. It was small, round and a white light surrounded it.

“The hougyoku?!” Kita thought to herself stepping up to Aizen.

He turned holding out the hougyoku to her, “I want you to take this,” his smile was eerie and made Kita’s skin crawl.

“Take it?” Kita asked puzzled.

Aizen let a soft chuckle escape, and he rested his hand on her back at the base of her neck, “Hold it Kita.”

Kita looked at Aizen she had heard some odd things about the hougyoku and she knew it was what helped create her. She shook her head softly, “I would rather not.”

“It is not a request, Kita,” Aizen told her narrowing his eyes, pushing his hand forward that held the hougyoku.

Kita anxiously lifted her hand toward Aizen’s the closer her hand got to Aizen’s and the hougyoku the more her eyes went closed. “I don’t know what he is trying to do here, but if he is going to punish me I don’t want to see it coming.” She thought to herself.

Just then, she felt the weight of the hougyoku in the palm of her hand.

“Close your hand around it,” Aizen told her assisting her in wrapping her fingers around the stone. His hand never moved from her back as he had a firm but gentle grip on her.

Kita watched as her hand slowly closed around it, all of a sudden Kita saw a flash in her mind. Shaking her head with her eyes closed she looked down at the hougyoku within her hand. Just then, another flash, with each flash Kita would blink and slightly shake her head. “Wh…what is… happening?”

Aizen smiled but Kita did not see it, all she head was his voice softly speaking to her, “Close your eyes, Kita. Close your eyes… and remember for me, Kita.”

Kita felt like she was under a spell. She could not move as she stood next to Aizen one hand on her back and the other wrapped around her hand keeping the hougyoku safely in the palm of her hand.

Aizen could see his plan was working, but how much would she truly remember? How much could Kita take? Four hundred plus years of memories being opened at one time in Kita’s mind. It was like someone opened a floodgate on a dam, a small trickle then – everything at once. Aizen could feel Kita slightly shaking under his touch. She started to mumble incoherently when all of a sudden Kita screamed. Her head thrown back and collapsed to the floor.

Aizen kneeled next to her brushing her hair from her face, “It is done.”

At that moment Ulquiorra quickly soindoed into the throne room from hearing his fraction scream. There he saw Aizen over Kita as she lay to the floor. He stopped quickly in his tracks as his eyes left the unconscious Kita and rested on Aizen as he was discreetly removing the hougyoku from her hand. He stood looking at Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra kneeled to Aizen, “My Lord?”

“Do not fret Ulquiorra she is still alive.” Aizen told him sliding the hougyoku into his pocket.

“What has she done?” Ulquiorra asked.

“She has done nothing,” Aizen told him turning his back on Ulquiorra and the fainted Kita.

“Then… my lord,” Ulquiorra asked standing to his feet.

Aizen narrowed his eyes as he looked over his shoulder at Ulquiorra, “You question me? This makes twice, both concerning Kita.”

Ulquiorra quickly lowered his head, “Forgive me my lord.” He spoke quickly and to the point, "but I do not understand."

Aizen quickly turned facing Ulquiorra, “There is no need for you to understand. You may take her back to her room. I am finished with her.”

Ulquiorra walked up to Kita picking her up in his arms. He dare not look at Aizen as he stood turned and walked toward the doors to leave the room. As he stepped into the hall he heard Aizen speak to him once more.

“Ulquiorra.” Ulquiorra paused looking slightly over his shoulder, “She is your reasonability from here on out. Train her. Watch her. Above all keep her safe and away from any outsiders that may take her from you. I want daily reports on everything about her. Especially if she starts talking about past events in her life.”

Ulquiorra nodded, looked down at Kita as she lay draped in his arms, “Who or what are you?” Ulquiorra thought to himself.

Confession or Surprise?

Aizen sat in his chambers waiting for the arrival of his Espada. He had sent word with Menoly to gather them for assembly. They were to appear in his throne room the second they got word. Becoming annoyed at his waiting he stood to his feet. Just ...

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Seeking Answers

*storms in Aizen’s throne room, bows slightly* What is she? Why is she here, lord Aizen?

*grits teeth* Questions we all are asking, but you still refuse to give us an answer. We want to know what Kita is and why she is here. Her abilities grow daily, but her reiryoku never changes. With the abilities she is showing her reiatsu should be becoming stronger as well, however, it is not. Why?
