Totally Dysfunctional


I hoped luck was on my side when I shot off the periculum spell. I had completely forgotten about that one since it’s not used except in cases of emergencies. Like now.

My heart nearly stopped when rushes of motion came at me from either side and grabbed one of my arms. One black shadow and one blue river, both shouting my name and bombarding me with questions at the same time.

“Are ya ai’ight?”

“Did you get hurt?”

“Nothin’ happened t’ ya, right?”

“Please tell me you are OK, Juliet!”

“Guys, guys!” I cut in, shaking both of them off. “I’m fine! Lost, but fine. Don’t worry about it. I just need to get back to Hogwarts so I can tell Trisha, Fred and George I’m OK.”

“I’ll take you back.” They simultaneously said like eager students vying for their favorite teacher’s attention.

“Both of you can take me back.” Underlying meaning? No fighting while I’m mentally and physically exhausted, understood?

Even though I could tell that they were wishing for the other to drop dead, they reluctantly each took one of my hands – Cezoram on my left and Anluan on my right – and started to lead me back to the castle.