Totally Dysfunctional


Kimi always knows how to keep me on my toes. Whether it’s her reactions or her sudden disappearances, I always have to keep an eye on her or else she would cause me to worry about her.

This was the second time she had me worried. Word was spreading around like a wildfire that she had gone missing in the middle of Care of Magical Creatures while they were working in the woods. Something about her and woods doesn’t work well. I thought as I was walking in the same woods she had been in while I was ditching class. An unknown force drew me to this place, but I wasn’t sure what. A nagging voice in my head was telling me it was my growing concern. What if she got hurt again? She was unconscious for almost an entire day last time. The ravines are even steeper here. If she fell down one of those… she could possibly die.

Completely non-camouflaged electric blue hair was spazzing back and forth, calling Juliet’s name. Oh look, the puppy has come to search for his lost master. “O’Rylie. Don’t you have class?” I chastised, coming up behind him with a victorious smirk.

“Look who’s talking. I know you have class too.” His amiable tone and annoying accent was all but completely vanished.

“Ouch. Why are you out here, Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes?”

“Same reason you are.” He turned around and gave me a fiery glare with his matching electric blue eyes. Did he always have those? “I’m going to find Kimi.”

“And what are you going to do once you find her? Kiss her again?” I shot, my envy and frustration getting the better of me. I nearly laughed at his reaction too. He was completely red-faced and began stammering feeble excuses.

“You were watching us?!” He finally spat out.

“Yes, I was. It was sickening.” Coldly, I brushed past him and shouted Juliet’s name. “You shouldn’t be near her, never mind kissing her.”

“Shut the fuck up. You’ve done nothing but hurt her from the start.” I was taken aback by his sudden attack. From what I’ve seen of him, he’s more passive than aggressive. He’s even tried to break up fights between members of other houses. He’s proven himself to be a peace-loving git that hates fighting. To be on the offense so suddenly was certainly interesting.

“Uh-oh. Looks like I’ve hit a nerve.” I had a feeling I might just be able to make him lose his cool completely if I kept up my mocking and that would make this dreary conversation worth it.

“If you love her like you say you do, you would be looking for her; not trying to piss me off.”

“I presume she’s told you everything?”

“Absolutely.” He was about to call her name again when a flash of purple light shot up into the sky like a firework. Both Anluan and I bolted in that direction, with the same name screaming on our heads. KIMI!