Totally Dysfunctional


The roof of the mansion was officially my new favorite spot to relax. Mostly because no one else knew about it. With the exception of Cezorem, of course. But he really didn’t matter.

Point being, I was relaxing up on the roof on Christmas Eve reading over my text from Trisha saying something about a dance held at Hogwarts for all those who stayed behind. Which really sucked for me because I love dances, even if I wasn’t going with anyone. I’m more into them for the actual “dance” part, not the social aspect. Sadly, there was something called “extreme modesty” here and I couldn’t just whip out my iPod and dance when I’m in my room because it would be just my luck that someone would walk in and BAM! Hated forever. And it wouldn’t be too bad if someone actually recognized that I existed and asked me to dance with them but hey, what can you do when you’re part of the least popular group of people?

“The night is almost as young and beautiful as you are, Juliet.”

“Cheesy much?” I asked to my newest company who just showed up in his suit and tie (meals are always formal).

“I try, do I not?”

“Furthermore, why are you talking like you are out of Shakespeare?”

“Trying to set the mood, dearest.” As I was questioning what he meant, Cezoram waved his wand and a fantasy world was conjured around us. Little fireflies danced around, lighting the dark roof and wherever they flew, small snowdrifts and swirls of ice appeared until I felt like I was in a frozen Wonderland. Not one thing felt out of place, including the large floating ball of light above us and the soft dance music that began to play seemingly from the air itself.

“I hope this is to your liking; it took a while to perfect the spell.”

I was stunned, in plain English. It was incredibly beautiful and all I wanted to do was to just stand there, taking it in and preserving it in my memories.

When I turned back to him to actually compliment him for once, he was changed entirely. His evening attire changed to a sophisticated Renaissance suit: deep green jacket, white shirt with a ruffled collar held in place by a green pin and white pants tucked into knee-high boots. I looked at my own dress that turned into a blue Italian noblewoman’s dress with white detailing.

Voi siete belle stasera, principessa.You are beautiful tonight, princess. Getting down on one knee, Cezorem kissed the top of my hand.“Avró questa danza, mia cara?Shall I have this dance, my dear?

After a moment’s hesitation, I didn’t look back and shakily replied in Italian: “Sí.



“She doesn’t matter to me.”

My heart was hurting during the train ride home as I was remembering what Cezoram had told his mother. I was heading back to my room after the special dance Cezoram and I shared when I overheard him and his mother talking. It had sounded like arguing, but there was no yelling. My incessant curiosity took root and I pressed my ear against the door. His mother and he were talking about me, of all things.

“What on this earth made you bring a Gryffindor here?” His mother’s almost squeaky, disapproving voice carried easily to the hallway where I was.

“Kimi and I are classmates and she isn’t being a bother, is she?”

“She is ruining our family name, Cezorem.” I heard him sigh and plopped down into what I assumed was a chair in the library.

“Mother, believe me when I say this: I had no other intention than I wanted to.”

“Cezorem, you know you should never EVER let someone who is not capable of continuing the family line into this household. I let you get away with it for a while, but she needs to leave.”

“She interests me and I want her to stay until we have to head back.”

“What in heaven’s name do you see in that girl? She is a commoner, a Mudblood and a Gryffindor. A GRYFFINDOR! She will only taint the name of the Loring household!”

“I honestly don’t see much.” What? “She’s a peculiar girl, and she piques my curiosity. But that’s as far as the attraction goes.”

“What do you mean?” Some higher being got his mother to ask the question I wanted to scream.

“She doesn’t matter to me.”

Fingers snapped in front of my face, bringing me back to reality. “Kimi. Hello~? Anyone home?” Those fingers belonged to Trisha, who was sitting across from me as the shadows slowly grew around me.

“Sorry, did you ask me something?” I sat up a bit straighter to try and look like I wasn’t in pain.

“You okay? You’ve been spacing out for like the past 20 minutes.” She seemed really concerned for me. I guess because I don’t usually space out and am usually on my video games.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I searched for my cover and was just about to turn on my system when she took it away from me, garnering a small yelp/whine from me. “Hey!”

“Kimi, look me in the eyes and tell me you’re fine.” Her motherly brown eyes knew how to melt my walls of protection whenever I was hurt.

I could feel my chest tightening and my eyes begin to water. “I...”

She could tell that I was about to do something I NEVER do and placed a quick spell so that no one could tell what was going on in our car. “Tell me what happened.”

Those four words shattered my mask of serenity and broke my calmness. I didn’t even pause for a second after she told me to let my guard down and my floodgates opened. I told her everything that happened over Christmas. From the revelation that Cezoram can be really kind and gentle, to when he was so concerned about me when I went missing, and then the final eve of my happiness.

“He- he said that I didn’t matter to him at all!” I choked out in between sobs. “But he was so worried about me when I was hurt! I- I don’t understand anymore! I don’t know when he’s lying and when he isn’t!”

After I let a few more sobs out and my crying began to die down, Trisha wrapped me a very familiar hug, like she always did when we were younger. “Kimi, listen. He isn’t worth your time. You need to give up on him. Cezoram will only make you cry more. That’s the only thing Slytherins are good for: causing pain to others.” She smiled a bit to try and cheer me up. “You know what? I’m sure that you’ll find someone new.” She noticed that that didn’t do much, so she tried a new tactic. “And guess what? This gives you all the more reason to kick his ass in the upcoming Gryffindor/Slytherin Quidditch match.”

“You’re right.” I stood up and issued an unheard challenge on his end. “Cezoram Loring, prepare to have your ass served to you on a silver platter, because you are so freaking screwed! You don’t mess with me like that and get away with it!”


“GOD DAMMIT, TRISHA! HOW’D YA MISS THAT?” I shouted from the stands. For those that don’t know, there are two sides of me: The first is my usual self, which you have met. And then there’s the side rarely seen: my “Sports Fan” self. When I got to sporting events, I am ruthless. I am yelling, criticizing, and just being an obnoxious American. Which would probably explain why many people hate it when I go to Quidditch matches.

“Oh, come on, Juliet. You’re not cheering me on?” Cezoram sailed toward me and hovered near me in between plays.

“As if I’d cheer for ya, bastard.” I turned my attention back to the game. “OY! EMILIA! Get yer head back ‘n th’ game! Trisha can’t be doing all th’ work, ya know!”

“It’s amazing how much you are into these kinds of things.” Fred and George appeared on either side of me.

“I’m an American; it’s kinda in my blood.” I said without taking my eyes off the players.

“You’re really scary when you’re like this.” George shivered a bit out of the corner of my eye.

“Whatever.” I shouted another “comment” to the players and a flash of blue walked by me. The flash of blue being someone’s hair. “Dude, who’s that?”

“Hm?” Fred and George followed my finger.

“Oh, that’s Anluan O’Rylie. He’s a new Ravenclaw and is a bit out of it, if you know what I mean.” Fred hinted, meaning that he was a tad bit crazy.

“Actually, he’s our rival. He has as much information as we do on people.”

Anluan? Now where have I heard that name before? I thought it over for a while and gave the other spectators a break from my yelling until it hit me. Anluan O’Rylie… is my first crush and sadly, a childhood friend too. I wonder what he’s doing here at Hogwarts. I didn’t know his family was a family of wizards.

“You’re friend Trisha’s looking good out there.” Fred whistled. I had a feeling that he didn’t mean that she was doing well playing Quidditch, but I decided to go along with it anyways.

“Yeah. All’s I’m hopin’ for izzat she’ll kick Slytherin’s ass today.” I said under my breath, as if cursing the other team.

“Did something happen?” One of the twins asked.

“Let’s just say,” I smiled dangerously. “I’m pissed at someone right now and am hoping for their demise.”