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Random Pratchett Quotes

Said by the demon Azrifel, in Strata:

"My Master Abu Ibn Infra Presents His Complements And Welcomes You To His Humble Abode And A Lot Of Stuff Like That. If You Want To Eat, Just Tell The Table. Your Wish Is Its Command. There's A Lot Of That Sort Of Thing Goes On Around Here."

Then later:

"I Find Myself Forbidden To Answer That Question At This Moment In Time. You Are In The Shit, That Is All I Know. If You Think You're Coming Out Of This Alive, My Reaction Is Ho Ho Ho."

It's been a while since I've rolled around kicking from laughing.

If it helps, imagine the last quote said with a completely deadpan expression.


I was watching V for Vendetta last night, and my sister came in from something or other and sat down and started asking questions about what was going on. I started to tell her she needed to watch the movie from the beginning, and then I remembered I own the graphic novel. So I showed it to her, with the warning that it was "a bit intense". She said she didn't care.

Wake up this morning at seven thirty and she's already a quarter of the way done. She also took it with her to freshman orientation.


Last night I went insane.

Hasn't happened in a while. Used to call them "panic attacks", but I stopped after a while because I never really panicked. Went to bed last night dog-tired. Lay there for maybe twenty minutes of dozing, and then something in my head clic...

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Vet week.

So we've made two trips to the animal doctor in two days. Yesterday was our Shiba Inu's appointment, which we were horribly late for, to check on his right paw. He'd developed a pretty solid limp (although it seemed to get worse whenever my moth...

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Hooray involvement.

Literary rantings on the next page. So I decided to be a little more active in my community. An election for one chair on the Board of Aldermen and one chair on the School Board is Friday, and tonight was a live Q&A session with the ca...

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